Ministry Fruit & Mail

Fruit From Our Ministry Labor

In the apologetic arena ministers must be prepared to take the “heat” which comes from people whose biblical assumptions are challenged. It is very gratifying to hear how the Lord is using Inner-City Christian Discernment Ministry as one of His tools to bless and liberate His people. Here are a few recent accounts:


This site is now one of my favorites. It confirms to me that what I thought or wondered about is true in the area of “gimmicks.” Once I received the exact same letter same month from Robert Tilton and Marilyn Hickey. This site is giving me an understanding of the truth of God’s Word, and thus, I am being set free from such “gimmicks.” More than ten years ago, I made a vow (according to Robert Tilton) and have continued to pay on it, even though my heart is no longer in it. I don’t want dire consequences for not paying on a vow I made to the Lord. Do you think I could quit paying on this “vow” and throw away the mail I get from R. Tilton? (without the Lord disapproving). I have a lot to learn and this information fits in with what the Lord is teaching me at this time. Thank you for your help.

(We counseled her to immediately stop giving Mr. Tilton any money and to support her local church below is her response).


Upon reading your e-mail: “Stop giving…” my physical reaction was to burst out crying, sobs of relief, as if I had been set free. Now, I have asked the Lord to forgive me for being misled by R. Tilton and others. I thank God for your website and for your instruction in the Word. All I want to know is the Truth. This may not be relevant, but it seems that after I started to pay on the vow at R. Tilton’s instruction, things appeared better for a brief time; then my life “fell apart”. I cam into bondage and my family was taken away. (figuratively speaking). Of course, God is showing himself faithful!



Five Years of Bible Neglect “Healed”

My My My… God is really bringing me around full circle! Can you believe after 5 years of hardly daring to read my bible or have anything to do with “Christians” (after my charismania experience) I actually opened a bible and started studying some things for myself!!! And guess what, it didn’t even hurt! Actually, it is a miracle some of the things God has been doing for me these last few weeks. Too numerous to mention, but it all boils down to this:

Sola Fide, sola gratia, sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola Deo Gloria! Praise God! I am learning to be free! Anyway, my next question for you is, one of the studies I am studying calls for a Bullinger Bible. Now I am not familiar with that Bible. I see on your website that you have one of his books, about the Holy Spirit. Would this be good Bible to have? If it is, I want one, see I can get it from…I will not order it until you give me your opinion.

Thank you for being our (those of us still swimming out of the depths of charismania) “Pastor-on-the-Web” . I will be waiting for your reply.

(We thanked her for her kind words and encouraged her to continue in her Bible study, but to use another source rather than Bullinger due to some of his erroneous concepts).


I have been reading your articles about some of the very folks, that I once believed in and now I have been having doubts about what they have been teaching. Since being under the teachings of these WOF teachers. I had become so confused and discouraged with my spiritual life. It wasn’t until recently, that I have been putting what they taught down. I am beginning to get my spiritual life back on track. It has been a struggle, because I was very deep into the beliefs of these folks. I saw no results and was in constant torment. Your articles are shedding lots of light on the real truth.  I’m glad there is more people out there that is speaking up. As I find more information like yours, it’s helping greatly to get back to the basics. I just want to let you all know that your work is helping.
